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(This page contains only the special moves and fatalities for the fighters from the XBox, Play Station 2 and the GameCube versions of the game. For much more moves download our Mortal Kombat: Deception - Special Moves and Fatality Guide)

Jade, Kenshi, Scorpion, Mileena, Baraka, Sub-Zero, Sindel, Havik, Raiden, Li Mei, Kabal, Ermac, Nightwolf, Bo'Rai Cho, Noob Saibot and Smoke, Tanya, Shujinko, Hotaru, Ashrah, Dairou, Kobra, Darrius, Kira, Liu Kang
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GameCube Exclusive
Goro, Shao Kahn
Abbreviation - Move
B - Back
F - Forward
D - Down
U - Up
1 - Attack 1
2 - Attack 2
3 - Attack 3
4 - Attack 4
CS - Change Style
BL - Block
PlayStation 2 | XBox | GameCube | |
Attack 1 | Square | X | B |
Attack 2 | Triangle | Y | Y |
Attack 3 | X | A | A |
Attack 4 | Circle | B | X |
You can perform Hara-Kiri only when your opponent switch to Fatality mode and tries to perform a Fatality on you.
Mortal Kombat Chess Download For Windows 7
Mortal Kombat: Deception - Special Moves and Fatality Guide (All Versions): Download
Place Of Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Good
Allies: Kitana, Sindel
Foes: Tanya, Mileena
Fighting Styles: Fan Zi, Kuo Shou, Bojutsu
Special Moves:
Vanishing Winds: B, F, 1
Blazing Nitro Kick: B, F, 4
Razor-Rang: D, B, 3
Dodging Shadows: D, F, 2
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, F, U, F, 1 (sweep)
Fatality 2: B, F, F, F, 2 (close)
Hara-Kiri: F, F, F, B, 2
Place Of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sonya, Jax, Sub-Zero
Foes: Shang Tsung
Fighting Styles: Tai Chi, Judo, Katana
Special Moves:
Telekinetic Slam: B, D, B + 1
Telekinetic Toss: D, B + 4
Telekinetic Push: F, F + 2
Tele-Flurry: B, F + 3
Mind Warp: D, B + 3
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, F, B, B, 2 (sweep)
Fatality 2: U, F, B, F, 2 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: D, B, B, F, 4
Place Of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: None
Foes: Quan Chi, Drahmin, Moloch, Sub-Zero
Fighting Styles: Hapkido, Moi Fah, Mugai Ryu
Special Moves:
Bloody Spear: B, F + 1
Hellfire: D, B + 2
Backflip Kick: F, B + 3
Teleport Attack: D, B + 3
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, D, F, F, 1 (sweep)
Fatality 2: F, B, F, B, 1 (close)
Hara-Kiri: D, D, U, B, 1
Place Of Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Baraka, Shang Tsung
Foes: Kitana
Fighting Styles: Ying Yeung, Mian Chuan, Sai
Special Moves:
Rolling Thunder: B, D + 4
Soaring Sai: D, F + 2
Kick From Above: F, F + 4
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, F, D, D, 1 (sweep)
Fatality 2: U, U, F, F, 3 (far)
Hara-Kiri: B, D, F, B, 1
Place Of Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Deadly Alliance, Dragon King
Foes: Bo'Rai Cho
Fighting Styles: Silat, Hung Gar, Blades
Special Moves:
Flying Shard: D, B + 1
Mutant Blades: F, F + 3
Chop Chop Blades: D, U + 3
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, U, D, 2 (close)
Fatality 2: F, D, B, F, 2 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: D, B, U, B, 4
Place Of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Smoke, Frost, Raiden
Foes: Quan Chi, Hotaru, Scorpion
Fighting Styles: Shotokan, Dragon, Kori Blade
Special Moves:
Ice Clone: D, B + 1
Freeze Ball: D, F + 3
Cold Shoulder: B, F + 4
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, B, D, F, 2 (close)
Fatality 2: B, D, F, D, 1 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: D, U, D, U, 2
Place Of Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Good
Allies: Kitana, Jade
Foes: Shao Kahn, Tanya
Fighting Styles: Zha Chuan, Fu Jowpai, Kwan Do
Special Moves:
Banshee Scream: F, F + 1
Star Screamer: F, F + 3
Sliding Foot Grab: B, F + 1
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, F, F, B, 1 (sweep)
Fatality 2: U, U, B, F, 3 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: F, U, U, D, 4
Place Of Origin: The Realm Of Chaos
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Kabal, Kira, Kobra, Darrius
Foes: Hotaru, Dragon King
Fighting Styles: Snake, Tang Soo Do, Morning Star
Special Moves:
Torso Spin: D, B + 1
Diving Corpse: D, F + 1
Crackling Legs Projectile: B, F + 2
Head Snap: B, F + 2
Corpse Taunt: F, B + 4
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, F, F, U, 4 (close)
Fatality 2: F, F, F, B, 2 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: D, U, U, U, 2
Place Of Origin: The Heavens
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Kung Lao
Foes: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Dragon King, Shinnok
Fighting Styles: Nan Chuan, Jujutsu, Staff
Special Moves:
Static Teleport: D, U + 3
Lighting Bolt: D, B + 1
Shocking Touch: F, F + 2
Flying Thunder God: F, F + 4
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, D, F, D, 1 (sweep)
Fatality 2: U, D, F, F, 1 (far)
Hara-Kiri: F, U, U, B, 1
Li Mei
Place Of Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Good
Allies: Bo'Rai Cho
Foes: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Kano
Fighting Styles: Lui He Ba Fa, Mi Zong, Kun Lun Dao
Special Moves:
Nova Blast: D, B + 1
Carnival Spin: F, D + 3
Flying Flurry: F, F + 2
Flipping Heel Kick: D, B + 4
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, F, F, F, 1 (sweep)
Fatality 2: U, B, F, F, 4 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: U, D, U, D, 3
Place Of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Kano
Foes: Mavado
Fighting Styles: Sun Bin, Goju Ryu, Hookswords
Special Moves:
Raging Flash: B, F + 4
Plasma Blast: D, F + 1
Nomad Touch: D, B + 2
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, U, U, U, 3 (close)
Fatality 2: U, U, D, D, 2 (close)
Hara-Kiri: F, U, U, D, 2
Place Of Origin: Unknown
Alignment: Good
Allies: Kenshi, Liu Kang
Foes: Dragon King, Ashrah
Fighting Styles: Hua Chuan, Choy Lee Fut, Axe
Special Moves:
Mystic Float: D, U + 3
Mystic Bomb (Only During Mystic Float): D + 3
Dive Kick (Only During Mystic Float): F + 3
Telekinetic Throw: F, B + 2
Telekinetic Slam: B, D, B + 4
Hado-Energy: D, B + 1
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, B, B, D, 3 (sweep)
Fatality 2: B, D, B, D, 4 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: D, U, U, D, 3
Place Of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao
Foes: Dragon King, Shao Kahn
Fighting Styles: Valtudu, Tae Kwon Do, Tomahawks
Special Moves:
Spirit Arrow: D, B + 1
Rhino Charge: F, F + 4
Lightning From Above: D, U + 1
Reflector: B, F + 2
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, F, B, F, 1 (far)
Fatality 2: D, F, D, U, 2 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: U, U, U, U, 3
Bo'Rai Cho
Place Of Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Good
Allies: Kung Lao, Kitana, Liu Kang, Li Mei
Foes: Shang Tsung, Quan Chu, Baraka, Shao Kahn
Fighting Styles: Sumo, Drunken Fist, Jojutsu
Special Moves:
Puke: B, F + 2
Monkey Flips: D, B + 1
Belly Bash: F, F + 4
Earthquake: F, B + 3
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, U, F, F, 2 (sweep)
Fatality 2: U, U, B, F, 3 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: B, B, F, F, 2
Noob Saibot and Smoke
Place Of Origin: Netherealm/Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: United
Foes: Seb-Zero, Sektor
Fighting Styles: Monkey (Noob Saibot), Mit Zu (Smoke)
Special Moves:
Smokeycut: F, F + 4 (Smoke)
Stinky Cloud: U, D + 1 (Smoke)
Dark Assassin: D, B + 2 (Smoke)
Death From Above: F, F + 3
Dark Shadows: D, B + 3
We Live: D, B + 2 (Noob Saibot)
Darkness: U, D + 1 (Noob Saibot)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, F, B, F, 4 (sweep) (Noob Saibot)
Fatality 2: U, D, D, F, 2 (sweep) (Smoke)
Hara-Kiri: D, U, U, D, 4
Place Of Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Shinnok, Quan Chi, Dragon King
Foes: Kitana, Sindel, Jade, Liu Kang
Fighting Styles: Zi Ran Men, Yue Chuan, Kobu Jutsu
Special Moves:
Human Cannon Drill: F, F + 3
Air Fire Blast: D, F + 2
Surging Blast: D, B + 2
Split Flip Kick: D, B + 4
Find Me: U, D + 1
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, D, D, D, 1 (close)
Fatality 2: U, B, F, U, 2 (close)
Hara-Kiri: D, D, F, U, 3
Place Of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Damashi
Foes: Dragon King, Scorpion
Fighting Styles: Mantis, Shaolin Fist, Dan Tien Dao
Special Moves:
Note: Shujinko's Special Moves must first be unlocked in Konquest mode.
Ice Blast: D, F + 1
Flip Kick: D, B + 3
Bicycle Kick: F, F + 4
Tele Slam: B, D, B + 4
Foot Grab: F, B + 2
Power Fist: D, F + 2
Torpedo: F, F + 2
Spear: B, F + 1
Finishing Moves:
Note: Shujinko's Finishing Moves must first be unlocked in Konquest mode.
Fatality 1: U, D, D, F, 3 (close)
Fatality 2: B, U, F, F, 1 (close)
Hara-Kiri: D, B, D, B, 3
Place Of Origin: Realm Of Order
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Dragon King
Foes: Dairou, Sub-Zero, Darrius
Fighting Styles: Ba Shan Fan, Pi Gua, Naginata
Special Moves:
Grasshopper: D, F + 4
Lava Burst: D, B + 1
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, U, B, D, 1 (sweep)
Fatality 2: D, F, B, F, 2 (close)
Hara-Kiri: U, B, B, B, 2
Place Of Origin: Netherealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Shujinko
Foes: Ermac, Noob Saibot, Brotherhood Of Shadow
Fighting Styles: Chou Jaio, Ba Gua, Kriss
Special Moves:
Heavenly Light: D, B + 1
Lightning Blast: D, F + 1
Spin Cycle: D, U + 3
Nature’s Torpedo: F, F + 4
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, U, U, 2 (close)
Fatality 2: F, D, F, D, 2 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: U, D, U, U, 2
Place Of Origin: Realm of Order
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Darrius, Damashi
Foes: Hotaru
Fighting Styles: Wing Chun, Escrima, Autumn Dao
Special Moves:
Tombstone Drop: F, B, D + 1
Stealthy Shadows: D, U + 3
Iron Leg: D, B + 2
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, U, B, B, 1 (sweep)
Fatality 2: D, D, B, 3 (close)
Hara-Kiri: B, B, B, D, 1
Place Of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Kira, Kabal
Foes: Shujinko and his allies
Fighting Styles: Shorin Ryu, Kickboxing, Kali Sticks
Special Moves:
Windmill Kick: D, B + 4
Burning Fist: D, F + 2
Tele-Punch: D, B + 2
Chi-Blast: D, F + 1
Crouching Chi-Blast: D, B + 1
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, B, F, D, 4 (close)
Fatality 2: F, B, F, F, 2 (close)
Hara-Kiri: U, U, B, B, 2
Place Of Origin: Realm Of Order
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Havik
Foes: Hotaru
Fighting Styles: Shinto Ryu, Leopard, Gauntlets
Special Moves:
Tricky Blast: B, F + 2
Twisty Kick: B, F + 4
Chest Cruncher: B, F + 1
Target Practice: D, F + 3
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: U, D, B, F, 3 (sweep)
Fatality 2: D, F, F, U, 1 (close)
Hara-Kiri: B, F, F, 2
Place Of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Kabal, Kobra
Foes: Shujinko and his allies
Fighting Styles: Xing Yi, Kenpo, Dragon Teeth
Special Moves:
Black Dragon Ball: B, F + 4
Kiss Of Death: F, D, B + 1
Night Shade: D, F + 1
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, F, F, B, 4 (far)
Fatality 2: U, F, D, B, 3 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: F, B, U, B, 3
Liu Kang
Place Of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Ermac, Kenshi
Foes: Shang Tsung, Dragon King
Fighting Styles: Jun Fan, Pao Chui, Nunchaku
Special Moves:
High Dragon Fire: F, F + 2
Low Dragon Fire: F, F + 1
Flying Kick: F, F + 4
Flying Bicycle Kick: D, F + 3
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, B, B, F, 2 (sweep)
Fatality 2: F, F, U, U, 3 (sweep)
Hara-Kiri: D, D, D, U, 3
Mortal Kombat Chess Download Torrent
Note: This character is only available in the Nintendo GameCube version of the game.
Place Of Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Shao Kahn
Foes: Baraka, Kitana
Fighting Styles: Shokan, Kuatan, Dragon Fangs
Special Moves:
Ultimate Force: D, B + 1
Spinning Slaps: D, F + 2
Tremor Pound: U, D + 3
Leaping Stomp: D, U + 3
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: B, B, F, F, 3 (sweep)
Fatality 2: F, B, F, B, 1 (close)
Hara-Kiri: U, F, F, B, 4
Shao Kahn
Note: This character is only available in the Nintendo GameCube version of the game.
Place Of Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Goro
Foes: Kitana, Raiden, Liu Kang
Fighting Styles: Tai Tzu, Lui He, Wrath Hammer
Special Moves:
Explosive Blast: D, F + 1
Uplifting Knee: B, F + 3
Charging Spikes: F, F + 2
Emperor's Shield: D, B + 1
Ridicule: D, U + 1
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, U, U, F, 2 (sweep)
Fatality 2: B, F, D, F, 2 (close)
Hara-Kiri: D, U, U, D, 1
Medieval dragons and colorfully attired rooks, knights, bishops, kings and queens bring chess to life as they engage in mortal combat on the 64-square battlefield with more than 600 animations in Combat Chess. If non-combat chess is preferred, normal 2D and 3D perspectives are also available using a standard Staunton set, as is an option to quell background sounds and raging battlefield clashes. Features include take back moves, computer hints, adjustable clocks and computer opponent strength, board views from all four sides, algebraic notation, computer vs. computer matches, tutorials, and customized board setups. Games are saved in .PGN format.
Combat Chess by Empire Interactive is a decent clone of Interplay's venerable classic Battle Chess that is long on glitz but short on computer intelligence - the most important aspect of a computer chess game. The 3D-rendered animated pieces are fun to watch, and the fantasy theme is evoked quite well with dragons and knights on the battlefield.
Similar to other animated-chess-piece games, it takes some time to memorize which chess piece is which, although that is not a major concern. More important is the cumbersome user interface (which, among other things, require a few rapid clicks to undo a computer's move before it quickly moves again) and the woefully weak chess engine. I don't consider myself a good chess player by any means (I often lose in the easier levels of Chessmaster, perhaps the penultimate 'computer chess for the mass.' Yet I can beat the computer player in Combat Chess regularly, even with the 'computer makes mistakes' option turned off. Speaking of which, this option must be the dumbest option I've seen in a chess game - if you want to play with a computer that makes mistakes, you might as well not play chess, because it really is an insult to your intelligence (well, to mine anyway ;)). Another big problem is that the game's animated pieces, while very nice to watch, are a tad too big. This means they often obscure other pieces that are in front of them completely, making it impossible to see what is going on. Fortunately, you can play with the traditional 2D top-down view of the board next to the 3D isometric one. But then again, if you want to play chess in 2D only, Combat Chess loses much of its appeal. I actually ended up looking at the 2D board rather than the 3D one.
Overall, Combat Chess is definitely a below-average chess game that is probably only fun to beginners or casual players who care more about graphics pizzazz than gameplay. But although the animations are fun to see for the first time, they don't have the same charm as Battle Chess or the hilarious Chess Maniac 5 Billion and One. As it stands, if you want a challenging opponent, even Chessmaster is a better choice than this average game.
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