The Division 2 Hack

The Division’s issues doesn’t seem to end. Whenever Ubisoft solves one problem or patches one glitch, another comes up in to take its place. It’s been a battle between Ubisoft Massive, the game’s developers, and the exploiters and hackers. No matter how hard they try to make the gameplay balanced and fix the bugs, it never gets better.

  1. The Division 2 Hack Download
  2. The Division 2 Hacks
  3. The Division 2 Hacks
  4. The Division 2 Hack Pc

Joining the long run of bugs and glitches is something that’s like a cocktail of exploits and it can be devastating when used in the right manner. This latest exploit actually combines three potent bugs and gives anyone who’s smart enough to execute it invincibility, or in simple gaming terms, God mode.

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Mar 19, 2019 The Division 2 does a wonderful job of making one gun feel unique from another by way of recoil patterns, rate of fire, and sound, the latter of which is particularly well done.

The Division 2 Hack Download

This means there’s literally no competition for such a player and he can cause havoc to anyone and anything in his way, no matter how skilled or high-ranked they might be. God mode in The Division means you get to have unlimited ammo, unlimited health and damage output of over a million. Needless to say, the developers never planned for this to happen.

You need to put in a bit of effort to successfully combine these together and here’s exactly how it can be done (until it’s patched) –

Unlimited Ammo

This is the easiest of the three exploits to execute successfully. This is due to you not needing to go to a specific store looking to acquire a particular talent that needs to be equipped in order to initiate it.

All you need to do is select the “One is None” talent which is basically a perk that gives you 50% chances to getting the ammo used back if you score a headshot. You need to spam the select button on this talent and do it enough and it’ll cause the game to glitch. The glitch will make the ammo equipped to go beyond its magazine limit and you can keep on firing without any need to reload. In other words, you get unlimited ammo.

The Division 2 Hacks

Once you do this, you’ll need to equip another talent in place of the “One is None” talent and you’re going to end up with five talents. The glitch will still be in effect and you can carry on having unlimited ammo. The video below explains it better –

Unlimited Health

This one’s a bit more complicated than the previous one and you’ll need a bit of focus to carry it out since you need to follow multiple steps to execute it. To start off, you’ll need to have the Strike Mask equipped. This mask gives you the rehabilitated talent that rewards you 2% health back every second when you’re suffering from status effects. You also need to have the First Aid ability equipped.

When you’ve done this, you need to throw a tear gas near your feet and wait for it to explode. Once it goes off, you’ll feel disorientated and this is when you need to swiftly use the heal ability. This will remove the status effect.

Now, you need to stay put and wait till your character gets disorientated again. This will put the glitch into effect and you’ll have unlimited health. By unlimited health, it doesn’t mean you’ll not take damage anymore. You’ll still take damage but this gives you the ability to regenerate quickly so all you need to do is not stand in one position. The video below will give you a better idea –

1,000,000 or Above Damage

This exploit and the one for getting unlimited ammo bears some similarity. Both these glitches require you to spam selection of a particular talent. In case of this one, you need to select the “Tactical Advantage” talent instead of “One is None”. Also, you need to be in cover before spamming this talent and only then will the glitch come into effect.

The Division 2 Hacks


Do this enough and you’ll be dishing out more than 1 million in DPS, making you an unstoppable force and no one would be able to come in your way. Combined with the two other exploits above, you become an invincible and all powerful The Division God, one that the game didn’t need or deserve. Almost an unholy summon as a result of development sins Massive are finding hard to make amends for.

It’s a given that Massive will leave no stone unturned to fix these exploits but the fact that such game-breaking exploits exists is in itself a disturbing trend. Anyone wanting to make use of these has not more than a couple of days but judging by how things are going, it might not be a surprise if newer bugs and exploits emerge just as the older ones get fixed.

According to multiple posts on community sites, the PC version of The Division is easily hacked allowing players to utilize methods of cheating including infinite ammo and health.

Since the closed beta period began last Thursday on Xbox One, The Division has proven to be wildly popular with players as the demand for access has far exceeded what Ubisoft was anticipating. Though the company has already revealed a massive list of fixed bugs and glitches prior to the beta starting, PC players have begun seeing some users utilize methods of cheating to give themselves an unfair advantage over others.

Posts on Reddit have started to appear reporting that the way the netcode has been created is giving players easy access to tamper with it. Hackers are able to access and modify player statistics as that data is stored client side and doesn't check or verify new data that is stored there, something most PC games do as a way to detect cheating. As a result, many PC users have seen a wide range of odd player behavior including unlimited ammunition and items, faster running speed, invisibility, and even being able to shoot through solid walls.


Interestingly enough, a PC user who tested these hacking methods also posted their findings on Reddit which includes video proof of the cheats in action. One of the videos shows the player boosting their PvP oriented Dark Zone rank to 255, something which isn't supposed to be possible as the beta caps that rank at 12. The player also changes their character level and stats to quickly unlock some of the best weapons in the Dark Zone as well, including the Caduceus assault rifle.

The division 2 hack 2020

The Division 2 Hack Pc

The plot has thickened somewhat since the Reddit posts as Ubisoft community manager Natchai responded to an anti-cheating topic on the official forums saying that these users were not actually hacking the game, but abusing a number of known glitches that exist within this beta build. It is a bit strange to think that Ubisoft would have simply omitted an anti-cheating system when they've previously gone to great lengths to protect other online oriented games like Rainbow Six Siege.

With the game still a little over a month away from release, Ubisoft does have time to fix these problems. Thanks to the massive demand, Ubisoft has extended The Division beta period for another 24 hours, allowing players to continue saving New York until Tuesday, February 2 at 3AM PT.

Have you been able to try the beta for The Division? If so, let us know what you think of it down in the comments below.

Tom Clancy's The Division is scheduled for launch on March 8, 2016 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Source: Reddit, Neogaf

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